Tuesday, December 1, 2009

School Motto

"Act well your part: there all the honor lies."- Alexander Pope

This quote is what our school thrives off of. Alexander Pope simply means no matter what part you have in theater or throughout life, act it the best you can. As long as you do just this, you shall be honored and viewed as a role model to future generations.

School Objective

"You use a glass mirror to see your face; you use works of art to see your soul."
- George Bernard Shaw

George Bernard Shaw sums up the objective of our school in one sentence. We want to teach our students not only how to perform their jobs in theater well, but to understand their own personalities and their own opinions through creation.

Housing and Tuition

The housing on school grounds is an aspect of our School we take great pride in. We have two separate houses one for the girls and one for boys. Each house has three floors equipped with showers and laundry rooms. The houses were recently remodeled and now have furnished bedrooms. The bedrooms have three twin sized beds, a sofa, and small computer desks. There are common rooms with televisions and available computers to relax or get work done.

Our cafeteria is open to residents and commuters. Each day breakfast, lunch and dinner is served. Throughout the day there are small snacks and drinks available. Meal plans are included with tuition.

Tuition for Alexander Pope's School of Performing Arts starts at 8,000 a year. Our school has students ranging from the ages of 14 through 20. The total population is near 6,000. Depending on personal finances you may be eligible for scholarships. Scholarships are given out based on academic grades, hobbies, and volunteer work.

School Events

Every month Alexander Pope hosts a cabaret. The Cabaret allows for students to showcase all the work they have been doing throughout the year. The talents shown at the Cabaret range from movies, to skits, costumes, and even make up design. A school dance follows the Cabaret and gives students a chance to have fun and create friendships.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Vocal Training and Acting

If students are interested in the acting side of theater, they are in luck! Every night there are classes held to help students understand their voices better and become a well rounded actor/actress. The students will not be graded on how well they perform but on how they transform throughout the years. The classes are opened weeknight but private lessons could be scheduled.

Technology Department

Lighting and Sound are two extremely important mechanisms in theater but they are not easy to learn. We have our very own Technology Department dedicated primarily to teaching students how to control lighting and sound boards. Students will be able to create their own sound and lighting boards and put them to use during school performances. They will work hand in hand with directors, playwrights, and producers, who will in turn be fellow classmates.

Although it is live theater, Alexander Pope's School of
Performing Arts pushes students to go outside their limits and discover the world of directing and producing. Students interested in this area of study will have access to video cameras, and computers equipped to edit and publish movies of their own.

History Department

Within our History Department our students have the opportunity to learn about the world in more than one way. Our teachers introduce the students to Athens, Greece, which is home of theater's origins. They take a look at the world from theater's beginning to its present day. They will see theater as it was with one actor and no women roles, and watch the transformation unfold into a spectacular extravaganza. They will be taught about how makeup began being used, masks, and how women finally got their right to be actresses.

Science Department

The Science Department is not so typical. In theater performances a variety of chemicals can be used for special effects. For example, maybe you need dry ice to create the effect of smoke rising. Or in other cases you may end up mixing chemicals to make explosions. Whatever the case may be, you must be properly educated in doing so not only for your safety, but for the overall well being of the audience and the arena in which you are working. Alexander Pope's Science Department will teach students the reasons behind why the chemicals react the way they do, and will train them with efficiency.

English Department

Without written scripts and playwrights theater would not be anything it is today. Our English Department focuses on the lives of playwrights, plays, and writing your own skits. Our students are given biographies, autobiographies, and plays of playwrights such as Tennessee Williams, Thorton Wilder, and of course William Shakespeare. This allows for a closer look at their personal lives and helps the student to figure out things about themselves that may hold interest to them and their ideas.
Students are given assignments to write monologues, skits, one acts, even full plays. They are encouraged to take these works and form them into live performances for the entire student body. They will receive constructive criticism that will motivate them to revise, rewrite, and choose which area of theater they would like to be involved with after school.

Mathematics Department

Our Mathematics Department is unlike any other school around. The basic components of math are learned through hands on experience building sets and designing costumes. When it comes to sets and costumes measurements are used to the highest extreme. Math is the key solution in figuring out everything from how many gallons of paint is needed to cover a wall to how many yards of fabric they should buy to make a dress. Students will not only learn how to calculate their desired measurements, they will be put to the test by creating rooms or houses for any upcoming shows, and making costumes for their fellow peers.

About the School

At Alexander Pope's School of the Performing Arts we believe in learning about the elements in theater that help us build character not only on stage and behind the scenes, but in every day life. Our school is named after Alexander Pope, an English Poet during the Enlightenment Era. Pope wrote poems with strong moral messages and romance. His works remain well respected and encourage people all over to value their beliefs and hold strong to their way of life.

Alexander Pope's School of Performing Arts is located in the small town of Wyoming, Pennsylvania. Wyoming is a quiet neighborhood full of traditional family customs and people that genuinely care about one another. Wyoming is not far from larger cities such as Wilkes-Barre, Scranton, and Allentown, but it is far enough to not have to worry about any danger. Shuttle buses are available at all times for any students that would like to go out of town. All students must check out before leaving, complete with the locations of where they are going and are required to check back in once the night is over. Wyoming is a lovely place to live, learn, and study theater without any distractions.